Our Story


Salt Creek Hemp – Aaron Rydell, Margaret MacKenzie, Joe Koeller, and Fran MacKenzie- began planting hemp in 2015 on their family ranch in Plateau Valley, Colorado. They had reluctantly listed the ranch for sale, but when hemp was legalized, they rolled up their sleeves, primed the fields, moved the cows up the hill and got to work growing hemp.

Without an instruction manual or professional organizations to turn to, they were pioneers in the field, figuring out nutrition levels, irrigation methods and so much more.

The tremendous hard work was driven by a desire to help people benefit from plant-based wellness. The health benefits of hemp are becoming more profound each day, and with each client testimonial.

Very few companies own the entire life-cycle of growing, harvesting and producing organic hemp products like Salt Creek Hemp.

We create premium quality Full Spectrum Hemp Extract with care and dedication taken at each step- the way only an owner could.

We build long-term relationships.

We value feedback.

We dedicate time to educating other farmers in an effort to promote regenerative and sustainable farming.

We are always raising the bar. We do this because we genuinely believe we have an opportunity and a responsibility to do so.

We are inspired by seeing years of hard work come to fruition in a product we can offer directly to our clients.